Quantinuum H-Series

Although InQuanto is hardware agnostic and can be used with a variety of backends, the use of Quantinuum H-Series devices and emulators is recommended.

Quantinuum System Model H1

The Quantinuum System Model H1 generation quantum computer is packaged with some InQuanto licences and are available over the cloud. The H1 device features high-fidelity, fully connected qubits, along with features such as mid-circuit measurement and qubit reuse. This aids researchers and developers in the construction and implementation of quantum circuits.

Getting Started

To get started on System Model H1, your organization’s administrator needs to add you as a user on the Quantinuum Systems User Portal. Once you are added, you will receive an email notifying you that your account has been set up. Follow the instructions in the email for resetting the temporary email and signing into the portal. You need to sign in at least once to agree to the Terms & Conditions for hardware usage.


Once you’re logged into the user portal, you can find guides for system usage under the Examples tab. You can find these in the user portal by navigating to Examples, then clicking docs on the left-hand side.

The following guides are found in this tab:

  • Quantinuum System Model H1 Product Data Sheet: specification and performance data of System Model H1

  • Quantinuum System Model H1 Product Data Sheet: specifications of System Model H1 Emulator

  • Quantinuum Systems User Guide: information on the currently available devices and workflow, including job queue, data retention, and looking at remaining credits


The access to Quantinuum Systems is provided for InQuanto use only. You may not utilize Quantinuum Systems for any purposes other than for working with InQuanto.

H1 Emulator

Frequently, classical simulators are used to debug and optimize quantum algorithms applied to systems larger than those available to currently existing quantum hardware. They also allow for verification and validation of data and results generated by real quantum devices. Often, noiseless classical simulation is used, wherein the “device” is assumed to be free of physical error. This is useful for analysis on the algorithmic level, but may obscure noise-dependent performance characteristics. It also prevents analysis of physical noise mitigation techniques.

In contrast to noise-free classical simulators, emulators include noise models derived from experimentation on a given quantum device. This allows for the generation of more realistic data and thus provides a better sense of how a quantum circuit will perform. The H1 Emulator – access to which is packaged with InQuanto – includes a noise model that mimics the operations of the H1 generation quantum computers. In addition to the real H1 devices, InQuanto is capable of easily interfacing with the H1 emulator, as demonstrated below.


Examples using running on Quantinuum Hardware are found on the Hardware tutorials page. Further information on pytket-quantinuum can be found on the pytket-quantinuum page.

Run the following command to install pytket-quantinuum and use it with InQuanto:

pip install "inquanto[quantinuum]" -i <private-index-url>

InQuanto Administrators

Administrator Responsibilities

As an administrator, you are responsible for the following:

  • Adding users for Quantinuum Systems access on the Quantinuum Systems User Portal

  • Ensuring that the number of users added to Quantinuum Systems access aligns with the number of seats purchased.

  • Ensuring users access Quantinuum Hardware Systems for InQuanto use only. Users may not utilize Quantinuum Systems for any purposes other than working with InQuanto, unless a separate Quantinuum H-Series subscription has been purchased.

Getting Started as an Administrator

As your organization’s designated administrator, you will be granted access to Quantinuum systems. You will receive an email notifying you that you have access to the Quantinuum Systems User Portal with a temporary password. Follow the instructions in the email for signing in and resetting your password. Once you do this, you are ready to start adding users for access with InQuanto.

Adding Users

You can find instructions for managing your organization’s hardware access in the Quantinuum Systems Administrator Guide under the Examples tab on the Quantinuum Systems User Portal.

You can find this document in the user portal by navigating to Examples, then clicking docs on the left-hand side. Instructions are provided on how to add users as well as directions for managing credits and tracking usage.